Time to Downsize?


There comes a time when you realize it is time for a smaller Tucson home, it is time to downsize.  We have compiled some tips to help you save your memories, yet minimize the clutter in your new home. 

Making the move to a new home can be bittersweet.  It is exciting to move into a brand-new Tucson home, but it can often be a sad time leaving behind all of your cherished memories.  And if you are looking to downsize that can make it even harder.  A smaller home means that you can’t keep all of those keepsakes that you have collected over the years.   

But downsizing can be an opportunity to start fresh and get rid of the clutter.  It is just a matter of keeping the things that you really love to make your new place feel like home. 

1. Make a Plan 

Visit the new house and determine the space that you have in each room and storage space.  This will help you determine how much you will be able to take with you.  It is always best to underestimate this as there will be new things that you will want to add as well. 

It is wise to undertake just one room at a time as you decide what to take and what to get rid of.  As moving is a huge task, you don’t need to do everything at once.  Set aside some time each day and be sure to allow extra time so you don’t feel rushed. 

It is best to select which furniture you would like to move first.  If you select the large items first it will give you a better idea of how much space you will have left.   

2. Sort Things Out 

time to sort out and declutter

Is it something that you will use again?  It becomes very easy to convince yourself that you can still get into a 10-year-old shirt that you have never worn.  But odds are that if you haven’t worn it in the past year, you probably won’t be wearing it in the future. 

This is also a time to get rid of duplicate items.  Do you really need 2 toasters, or several sets of dishes? Since you can only use one at a time, you probably don’t need to keep both. 

When it comes to sorting, utilized the “Yes/No” policy, no “Maybes” are accepted.   Make 2 piles, a Yes and a No pile, make yourself make a firm decision. 

After you have sorted out your “No” pile decide how you would like to divvy it up.  Just because you don’t need it anymore doesn’t mean that someone else can’t make good use of it. Consider handing down some of the special items to family or friends. Some items would sell great at a garage sale or Craigslist.  Some items can be donated to Goodwill.  Any item that is damaged or worn out should make its way to the dump or the recycle bin. 

3. Keeping Memories 

Turn all your images in to digital version to save space and make it easy to share with family and friends.  Photo albums take up a lot of space and many times we just let them collect dust in the corner. Consider purchasing a digital photo frame and setup a rotating slideshow. 

Take photos of items that bring back fond memories.  That way you can still look back at the memories without having to keep the item. 

To be sure that those special items are in good hands pass them along to your children and grandchildren or close friends.  This will still allow you to see the item being used without eating up your space. 

Making the move to downsize is an emotional process.  As you start sorting you will find items you haven’t seen in years.  Give yourself plenty of time to reminisce and then make the hard decision.  Pack along only what is truly of value and what you can’t do without. 

When you are finally moved in you can enjoy your new home surrounded with your warm feeling of home. 

If you find yourself ready to downsize we may be able to help.  Contact us for a free, no-obligation offer.  We can close whenever you are ready and you won’t have to worry about house showings or open houses.  Call 520-200-3334 or click on the button below and send us your contact information.

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