Foreclosure, Is It Too Late to Save My Home?

Loosing your home to foreclosure

Homeowners facing foreclosure are finding themselves in an incredibly frightening and stressful situation. The options may even be fewer than they were a few months ago,

While foreclosures are on the rise, many homeowners are procrastinating. Many people think help will magically appear in their mailbox or fall out of the sky, or that lenders will rush to work with them, or even that the government will step in and save them. Unfortunately, for many people, nothing ever happened.

Now that the market is changing banks are rushing ahead with foreclosures and pushing up the foreclosure process.

While it is possible to slow down the foreclosure sales process or pause the sales process for various reasons, it doesn’t put a stop to the foreclosure process.  And to make matters worse, banks are now racing in to grab the homes and resell them.

 So what are your options if you are just a few days away from foreclosure and you recognize that it would be much better if you can sell your home quickly and thus prevent further damage to your credit records.

You could try to approach your bank or mortgage broker and see if they can assist you, however, there is no guarantee that they can slow down the foreclosure process.

There may be options such as refinancing, but chances are it may be too late for this step to work.  You could try selling your home with a local realtor, but that an take time and eat up any equity that you may have left in your home.  And even if a realtor brought you a seller today, it may take months to actually close on your home with the potential buyer having to get a mortgage plus any repairs that the new buyer will want you to work.

There is one other option available to you.  You can turn to Stained Glass Homes who can quickly assist you with a CASH sale on your home and we can close on your home in as fast as 14 days.  If you are interested in how this works or would like a no-obligation offer, please call us at 520-200-3334 or click on the button below and send us your contact information.  We will be glad to listen to your situation see what we can do to help.

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